Thursday, February 25, 2016

WorkShop: Persuasion Essay

The day of our peer work shopping for he persuasive essay we wrote went okay in my opinion. It was nice to hear the feedback of the person reading my paper because it was a different perspective and they had different ideas of what we could add or take away from our papers. I am the type of person hat can accept constructive criticism and make something out of it. So I was pretty appreciative when Carli said I needed to add an extra counter argument to my paper because it was unclear to her as to what exactly was being counter argued. I also gave me the time to reread my paper at a slower pace to exactly determine where I could fit in the counterargument which helped me find minor grammar mistakes within my paper. The workshop worksheet was also helpful because it made sure that the writer was still on topic and each reason was conveyed clear enough for the reader to understand.

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