Thursday, April 28, 2016


To begin, my family is of the lower middle class from southern California. I was raised by a single mother with an older brother by two years. As far as family goes I was raised to put family first and I was raised to live by two main morals (okay maybe more), but for the most part it was to always be real or honest in any given situation, also to have manners and know that everyone comes from the same background. I graduated from high school in 2012, however I did not return back to school until Fall of 2014 as a freshman here at Sac State because of a hiccup in my transcripts after graduating. Even though I returned to school technically two years late I am still trying my best to not let my age get to me because I am right where I need to be. My family was never one that flaunted what they had or anything along those lines, I was taught to cherish what I have and work for what I want. Some things that I enjoy doing would be staying active with friends, spending time with family traveling, and most of all I love playing soccer and have played my whole life. My feeling toward writing is sort of a mutual feeling because although I do not enjoy it as much, I sill do it when needed. Writing, in my opinion, is a great way to express your feelings and sometimes to just brain storm on ideas. My past experiences with writing weren't too bad, I can manage my tasks a hand however, elaborating on my thoughts to reach the amount of pages needed is what I struggle with really. Like I said before my feeling toward writing is mutual, because I write when I need to not so much as a hobby or for fun. I suppose I feel his way because I am not much of a reader either, I am more of a visual/vocal person so my 'go to' isn't to pick up a pen and write. The type of genres I have written in would be fictional, nonfictional, persuasive, bibliography, etc.. My favorite type of writing would be fictional because you can use your imagination and create a story or series of events rather than just gathering information and rewriting it on paper. I feel that when a person is able to be free and express themselves in an imaginary way or original way i gives them more room to open up. Sometimes the fiction can become a reality if only dream it enough. My writing process usually starts with an outline first. I try to analyze my 'rough draft' on paper before typing it out because as I said before I am a visual learner so visualizing it helps me to stay organized. The connection reading has o writing would be grammar and the way the writer catches the readers attention. I think reading can help a person be able to cognitively process words and put them into an image as well as helping the reader to be able to organize their writing properly.

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